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You care about where your food comes from and where it is grown, but you also like to know you’re getting value for money in the weekly shop. You are passionate about reducing food waste and are likely to act on it. You enjoy eating out regularly or getting a takeaway – probably because you’re often pressed for time.

We know you care about food!

You don’t want it to go to waste but sometimes life gets in the way! We’ll be in touch soon with some great tips on how you can cut it down for good – without having to forgo your Friday night takeaway.

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Our Food Waste Action Week emails and The Bite monthly newsletter will provide helpful hints and tips based on the answers you gave from our quiz. By clicking Subscribe, you agree that we may process your information in accordance with our privacy policy and our terms and conditions. You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us. We will treat your information with respect.

Try buying loose fruit and veg so that you don’t end up with more than you need. You can also keep an eye on your food - create an ‘eat me first’ space in your fridge for food that needs using up. This saves food being forgotten and heading for the bin!